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  • Fish & Game Unit

    As Fish and Game, our goal is to keep all of the wildlife safe. We mainly patrol the national parks around the state of San Andreas. We also make sure everyone is not poaching. We enforce all laws dealing with animals. Everything we do is Patrolling National Parks, Preventing Poaching, Rescue and Rehabilitation, Habitat Conservation, and Policy and Regulation Enforcement.


  • Photo of the Month



    Jayce H. 3C-100




  • Canine Unit

    The Blaine County Sheriff's Office Canine Unit is comprised of a team of highly skilled and specialized deputies along with their trained dogs. These canines undergo rigorous training to catch fleeing suspects, locate lost hikers in the treacherous mountains, and disarm armed gunmen. Regardless of the task at hand, these courageous and dedicated professionals and their dog partners work tirelessly day in and day out to ensure the safety of all individuals involved, ensuring that they return home unharmed.



  • Criminal Investigations Division

    The Criminal Investigations Division known as C.I.D. oversees all investigations that normal patrol does not have the resources for. The Criminal Investigations Division has certifications to further your education and enhance your abilities. The Criminal Investigations Division is broken into 3 units, General Investigations Unit, Gangs, Narcotics and Firearms Unit, and Warrant Services Unit. General Investigations oversees all investigations from vandalism to homicides. Warrant Services oversees warrant executions and tracking down wanted individuals. Warrant Services also deals with Judicial activities and protection. Gangs Narcotics & Firearms Unit identifies tracks, and locates criminal organizations, narcotics, and illegal firearms.


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