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  • Who Are We?

    SAFR's role is to foster community involvement and promote high quality roleplay through Public Relations, Emergency Medical Services and Fire Suppression. The Fire Department trains our members to handle the wide array of diverse, exciting and challenging call natures we respond to on a daily basis; ranging from Cardiac Arrests and Diabetic Emergencies to Wildland Firefighting, Search and Rescue Operations, Structure Fires and so much more. We are here to save lives and protect property for the citizens of San Andreas. With our 8 stations across the state, 20 fleet companies, 5 subdivisions and 10 certification courses offered within the Fire Academy, San Andreas Fire serves as an all purpose emergency response agency to respond to calls for service unlike no other.

    Why Apply?

    With subdivisions such as Urban Search and Rescue, Fire Marshal Office, Medical Examiners Office, Medical Directors Office and the Fire Academy, San Andreas Fire has specialised roles and resources for the interests of any department member. No matter your prior experience or particular interest, we have a spot perfect for you. SAFR also offers a highly diverse and well developed fleet consisting 20 companies all with specific purposes and thorough training to operate. Enjoy our sense of brotherhood and take the opportunity to develop your skills, knowledge, reliability and character development in a department where your day-to-day is unlike any other. 

    What Do We Offer?

    As a member of San Andreas Fire, you will be given the opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone and diversify your knowledge and skillset with the endless set of call natures we respond to on a daily basis. You will be put into challenging situations with rewarding results, and will be provided with the full support of the Fire Chain of Command and our Department Resources to progress through the ranks, join our subdivisions, branch out and build the integrity of your character. We offer a high quality and immersive style of roleplay and push the boundaries for excellence with every patrol, one firefighter at a time.  

  • Images


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    The SAFR Fire Academy is responsible for the training, certification and continued education of San Andreas Fire's frontline Firefighters and Paramedics. With courses such as Truck, Tanker, HAZMAT, Incident Command, Paramedic, Flight Paramedic, Wildland and Rescue, there is no shortage of knowledge our Training Officers are able to deliver to ensure our department is a true all emergencies prepared agency. 

    Academy Commander - Pierce C.
    Academy Deputy Commander - Morgan M.
    Academy Supervisor - Vacant C.
    Academy Supervisor - Vacant B.





    Employees under the San Andreas Fire Rescue FMO division are responsible for the efficient investigation of reported fires, of all types, throughout the state of San Andreas and are responsible for preventing fires by hosting public events and conducting inspections throughout the State of San Andreas. A Fire Marshal should be requested by a first responder personnel at the conclusion of an active fireground in order to examine for evidence of foul play or suspicious activity that is consistent with human intervention into a given type of fire. As such, the Fire Marshal Office has incidental jurisdiction on fire and arson related investigations across the state of San Andreas.

    Fire Marshal - Alejandro O.
    Deputy Fire Marshal - Vacant A.
    Operations Supervisor - Hays A.



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    The Subdivision of SAFR are oversaw, supported and aided by the Division Committee, a select group of Fire Department Staff Members. The committee are responsible for opening communications between Subdivision Commanders and Department Staff, approving requests and documentation, quality assurance of division operations and ensure our subdivisions are provided with the tools and resources they need to succeed. 

    Committee Admin - Alejandro O.
    Committee Chairman - Matthew P.
    Committee Chairman - Kaia D.
    Committee Chairman - Vacant A.

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    The Division of Special Operations assists in response to Water Rescue, Air Rescue, Confined Space Rescue, Technical Rescue, Helicopter Medical Evacuations, Search and Rescue and more. With assets such as AirMed and AirRescue, DSO certifies SAFR firefighters are Flight Paramedics to operate Air Crafts and Dive Rescue to bring citizens to safe medical aid at all costs.

    DSO Commander - Alani F.

    DSO Deputy Commander - Vacant A.




    The Medical Examiners Office is responsible for educating and regulating the Emergency Medical Services systems of San Andreas Fire Rescue. Their team consists of highly knowledgeable and passionate healthcare providers and is headed by the Medical Director. MDO Advisors are tasked with the continuous updates and amendments of the EMS Protocols, answering MedCom Requests and working closely with the Fire Academy and Department Line Officers to provide accurate, safe and high quality EMS Systems to our patients every day. 


    Medical Director - Kaia D.
    Lead Medical Advisor - Alani F.  




  • Application Status

    Full Time: OPEN
    Part Time: OPEN
    Transfers: OPEN

    Become a Firefigher Today!

  • Fire Administration
    fire_chief.png?ex=661c8e0b&is=660a190b&hm=592d656b2a4d750a68446ff5291fc5e2fdd5ee3d9caf379c1822ba245217e311&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=457&height=457 Fire Chief - Jackson A. F-100
    fire_depChief.png?ex=660a190b&is=65f7a40b&hm=e5ca9fc472253162563d5705fc283d0ff117fa301a0523b08ef86f6b10570b32&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=456&height=456 Deputy Fire Chief - Vacant A.
    fire_aChief.png?ex=660a190b&is=65f7a40b&hm=54162d25a8de765f14047585e933df864a2f9a4a941cdbb33f5d4c46e582af1a&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=457&height=457 District Chief - Kris K. F-102
    Fire_BC.png?ex=660a190b&is=65f7a40b&hm=e89de93cb90a2f801c7d3a69c0439e455a6a8a9477b321770927ba32f8b228fc&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=343&height=342 Battalion Chief - Vacant A. F-103
    Fire_BC.png?ex=660a190b&is=65f7a40b&hm=e89de93cb90a2f801c7d3a69c0439e455a6a8a9477b321770927ba32f8b228fc&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=343&height=342 Battalion Chief - Matthew P. F-104

    Fire Senior Staff
    fire_cpt.png?ex=660a190b&is=65f7a40b&hm=c3c747782881455c97597a4d94525a64d805f1ce4ba6bc0510b5dca69d53bd74&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=343&height=342 Fire Captain II - Vacant A. F-105
    fire_cpt.png?ex=660a190b&is=65f7a40b&hm=c3c747782881455c97597a4d94525a64d805f1ce4ba6bc0510b5dca69d53bd74&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=343&height=342 Fire Captain - Vacant A. F-107

    Fire Staff
    fire_lt.png?ex=660a1a53&is=65f7a553&hm=059f6b4342a8f79840baad3dd350f67e8584ad437945647c6aa984118033af49&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=343&height=342Fire Lieutenant II - Morgan M. F-201
    fire_lt.png?ex=660a1a53&is=65f7a553&hm=059f6b4342a8f79840baad3dd350f67e8584ad437945647c6aa984118033af49&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=343&height=342 Fire Lieutenant - Kaia D. F-207
    fire_engineer.png?ex=660a1a7a&is=65f7a57a&hm=569d80945fe9259b56e45f196eba920048e8ec8bc75e5e20090504ea14f804cc&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=495&height=353 Fire Engineer - Cole W. F-213

    FireTech.png?ex=660a1aa0&is=65f7a5a0&hm=7f48dcce8f22ec664fa2b72db00b2ea2aa9a3f03493beee1a2038b3a22780d4d&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=495&height=353 Fire Technician
    senior_fire.png?ex=660a1aa0&is=65f7a5a0&hm=bdaa2068505dd9ac5196355fcc720996b48cb28534a31e7b959397ac34c41548&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=495&height=353 Senior Firefighter
    firefighter.png?ex=660a1aa0&is=65f7a5a0&hm=0f0f0e24900110300af4b227fd1cb8934340cf39f930516b5f70d17d64d6c4a6&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=495&height=353 Firefighter II
    firefighter.png?ex=660a1aa0&is=65f7a5a0&hm=0f0f0e24900110300af4b227fd1cb8934340cf39f930516b5f70d17d64d6c4a6&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=495&height=353 Firefighter
    prob_fire.png?ex=660a1aa0&is=65f7a5a0&hm=aa8dc6bd0115eb8f40bde772d50949ab197b3b09ad62bc32d054a2368d4869ea&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=495&height=353 Probationary Firefighter

    red_volly.png?ex=660a1adc&is=65f7a5dc&hm=14459d8394b1b9eb96b52ba40ca38748c266a4978541f21a577e4385aee81854&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=242&height=364 Senior Volunteer Firefighter
    ylw_volly.png?ex=660a1adc&is=65f7a5dc&hm=e58efae28ab4802e19e7b1f37034058ce29e2d3a391539f14ffcb62ed55add5f&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=242&height=364Volunteer Firefighter
    purpl_volly.png?ex=660a1adb&is=65f7a5db&hm=29b815b2877efdef2b4a84b345c34a49ae450c7120277d4c5dcc6cab5c70cab7&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=242&height=364 Probationary Volunteer Firefighter

  • Upcoming Events

    No upcoming events found
  • File:Twitter bird logo 2012.svg - Wikipedia SAFR Updates 

    Light Force 1 attended the Saint Patricks Day Parade in Vespucci last week. Thank you to all those who attended!


  • File:Twitter bird logo 2012.svg - Wikipedia SAFR Updates 

    #SAFR responded to a mechanical entrapment incident on the Vespucci Pier at 11:45 earlier today. Video captures Tower 5 entering the scene, meeting with R61, E81, E71, M61, SQ11, Rapid 7 and BATT 2. 



  • File:Twitter bird logo 2012.svg - Wikipedia SAFR Updates 

    An elderly female patient has been transported in stable condition after a 911 call was made for a diabetic emergency earlier today. #SAFR Rapid 2 was pictured out of district for the incident. 


  • File:Twitter bird logo 2012.svg - Wikipedia SAFR Updates 

    #SAFR is officially rolling out the 2024 Fleet for the Fire Marshal's Office. The Fire Department of San Andreas houses trained Fire Investigators and Inspectors to determine causes of suspicious fires and to ensure that every building you walk into is up to code so that you are as safe as you can possibly be. 


  • File:Twitter bird logo 2012.svg - Wikipedia SAFR Updates 

    A knock has been achieved of a 2 Story Farmland Residential Property in Grapeseed after a fire was located on the first floor in the early hours of this morning. E21, E22, M21, T21 and R21 were in attendance. No victims reported. The fire was ruled undetermined by the Fire Marshals Office.



  • File:Twitter bird logo 2012.svg - Wikipedia SAFR Updates 

    State Police and Sheriffs Office aided SAFR with an AirMed landing within the early hours of this morning for a traumatic patient. AirMed 2, piloted by Chief Johan and Engineer Walker, successfully landed and transported the patient to Great Ocean Medical in Del Pero. Also in attendance was Engine 21 and Squad 21. 



  • Department & Division Staff

    • Morgan M. F-201

      Morgan M. F-201 0

      Staff Team
      Last active:
    • Matthew P. F-104

      Matthew P. F-104 0

      Junior Administration Team
      Last active:
    • Matthew A. F-212

      Matthew A. F-212 0

      Staff In Training
      Last active:
    • Kris K. F-102

      Kris K. F-102 0

      Administration Team
      Last active:
    • Kaia D. F-107

      Kaia D. F-107 0

      Senior Staff Team
      Last active:
    • Jackson A. F-100

      Jackson A. F-100 0

      Administration Team
      Last active:
    • Cole W. F-213

      Cole W. F-213 0

      Staff In Training
      Last active:
    • Alani F. F-211

      Alani F. F-211 0

      Staff In Training
      Last active:
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